Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 13 - Mirror MIrror On The Wall

Can you imagine a bathroom without a mirror?  We all spend time gazing at our selves in the mirror, looking at our imperfections and studying what the ravages of time is doing to our bodies.  If you really want to check your face out, get a mirror that has the power of 5X or 10X.  Pores and nose hairs you never knew existed leap out into plain magnified view.  YIKES!   Imperfections illuminated. 

During a long juice fast changes take place inside the body and out.  I've lost weight, not sure how much yet, don't plan to step on the scales until day 28.  As the fast progresses, the tongue is a good indicator of the cleansing process.  First it gets a rather heavy fuzzy coating, then that slowly begins to clear.  Mine seems to be clearing from the sides and working inward.  

The eyes too are a good indicator.  The whites should become whiter, that sounds like a Tide detergent ad.  Today my eyes are a bit bloodshot.   Hair should become shiny.  My hair is staying in the skull.  The morning brushing used to result in lots of hair in the brush and sink, now there's maybe three, sometimes none.  

I'm still emptying my colon too, went twice today.  Some evenings I'll have warm organic vegetable broth, with maybe a blended tomato added, half teaspoon curcumin, and crushed garlic.  This may be what's creating the bowel movements, or I could be still eliminating old waste.  I'm not sure, but it feels good to elimiinate to complete the law of reception and release. 

My overall physical state feels stronger than when I began.  Two weeks to go.  I look forward to the end of the juice fast path and to see how my organism reacts.  I think being proactive is the only way to combat COPD.  If you just do nothing the progression of the disease will overwhelm the body and kill it.  

Western medicine tells us that we have an incurable disease.  I so want to believe this statement and prove them wrong:  "For this is a great secret: all the healing forces reside originally in the human breathing system.  And anyone who truly understands the whole dimension of the breath know the healing forces from the human side.  They do not reside in the other systems of the human organism, these other systems have themselves to be healed.  A secret of activity of healing resides in the breathing system, and all the secrets of healing are at the same time secrets of breathing."  Rudolph Steiner. 

I am so grateful for the genius of Dr. Konstantin Buteyko for giving us the breathing exercise required for the task of healing.   


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