I'm writing these posts for a few reasons. Number one I like to write. Number two they motivate me to stick to the program. Number three, I hope I can inspire and offer hope to others who have COPD.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Leading Roll
I'm writing these posts for a few reasons. Number one I like to write. Number two they motivate me to stick to the program. Number three, I hope I can inspire and offer hope to others who have COPD.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Now For Something Completely Different
We humans are all creatures of habit. We get into a pattern. Our daily lives follow much the same form. Rise roughly the same time every day, do our bathroom ritual, whatever private details that may include, in probably much the same order day after day. Commute to work. Starbucks. Work. Commute home. Cocktails. Dinner. Read. Work. Watch TV. Bathroom routine. Bed. Make love with the spouse or lover - or not. Sleep. Dream. Rise several hours later and do it all over again. This is if you're lucky enough to be working and you're not mindless and living on the street. Then your pattern is much closer to the pavement and it's bare bones survival.
Friday, May 8, 2009
First The Bad News
I lost all the benefit I gained from the 28 day fast by going back to my old ways. Steaks and wine in abundance do not work in this old body. A heavy diet puts too much strain on my weakened system resulting in havoc and over breathing. I last posted a month ago and it feels like I'm living in a different world.
Returned to that dreaded place - breathless upon exertion. And I’m waking up to the morning cough and holding in my intestines so the dam doesn’t burst again causing another hernia. Must end this horrid morning ritual. I’m eating only baby food today and tomorrow with lots of water. Still having my morning coffee for its laxative value. One bowel movement today.
I have tons of clay-like mucous in my lungs. I’m convinced once this is eliminated my cough will stop.
Sunday May 11, day three I’ll begin diluted fruit juice and the Wild Rose cleanse. I’ve been preaching the life style change now it’s time to take my own medicine and walk the walk. I’m plenty good at the talk - now it’s time to take action.
Speaking of walking I want to wander the streets of Rome this fall, or St. Petersburg, some foreign city reeking with history. I want to be able to stroll around effortlessly.
My Lindy Lou was in Paris for her 60th birthday. Now that's the way to celebrate! She emailed me and said she must have walked 100 miles one day. I thought how wonderful. I want to do that.
I couldn’t travel in the state I’m in. So, this summer I must get my body into the physical condition where I can. I just want the simple pleasure of walking.
I lay on the slant board for a while and expelled some mucous, had a dull pain in my chest, which seemed to be pressure from my breastbone, as it was alleviated when I stretched my arms over my head.
Continued soreness and sensitivity near my hernia scar. A few days ago it seemed another eruption might happen on the other side of my groin. All this is caused by pressure from the coughing fit. My first priority is to eliminate the cough.
As bad as I feel, I sometimes think these could be the good old days. With my body starving for oxygen I’m ripe for cancer or a stroke. I have three conditions to rectify or improve upon, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD. PAH Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and tachycardia. Whew!
My body is out of balance. Back to the basics, water, oxygen, sunshine and movement.
I’m drinking lots of water. I’m hydrating which I normally neglect. Monday day four I’ll begin my Buteyko breathing practice. I’m going to stretch my body and I’m looking for a rebounder. Jump for joy! When my breathlessness eases up I’ll begin walking. Spring is in the air. I’m so looking forward to sitting in the sunshine.
I feel a bit like I’m training for an athletic event. And much of sporting performance is mental. So I’m trying to get my head into the game. Stay tuned.